Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sampler Line-Up

Hey Everyone,

So as of last night, I think we have the final line-up for the Avocado Sampler:

Nic Brodine (Addition)
Dan Onufer (The Jeweled Headband)
Trevor Spencer (About Sprout)
Tim Damon (The Hunting Club)
Steven Shultz (Wetlands)
Chris Barrett (Chris Barrett!)

I'm so,so,so excited to see how this turns out. I'm sure there will be other musicians on this as well, including the likes of Joey Bennett and Laine Keniston (Addition), Max Lundin, maybe some Alex Neidzialkowski (Cumulus)? Who knows. Stay tuned for progress, and for information on how to obtain a copy. Right now, we're shooting for a completely free release.


p.s. musicians, check the last post for revised studio time

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