Monday, October 13, 2008


Hello Avocadans:
It's time to post the studio time for the coming weeks in October. Here's what we have scheduled:
(Keep in note, these have not been designated as Addition/Sampler sessions just yet.)


Friday, 10/17: 9 PM-5 AM
Tuesday, 10/21: 8 PM - 5 AM
Wednesday, 10/22: 8PM - 5 AM
Thursday, 10/23: 8 PM - 5 AM *possible..check back later
Sunday, 10/26: 6 PM - 5AM

Does this have enough voice for an actual blog? That's what I'm really concerned about, here. I even kicked Trevor off of the computer so that I could make the Avocado blog sound more "bloggy."

Well, signing off...
(Avocado Sister)


Trevor said...

Damn those are some good times...wonder who booked those...

Trevor said...

Hey everyone, Chris just sent me this email, I guess i'll have to go back tomorrow and see if I can get more sessions....

Hey Guys,
I can't have you block out more than one big session (each) at a time.
Instead, sign up for one big session and then come back in a day or two
later to sign up for more. I realize this is frustrating but I'm striving
to keep the schedule more balanced between students.

I've put up a fresh schedule with these sessions booked for you:

Tuesday 10/21 from 8pm-6am

Wednesday 10/22 from 8pm-6am

Feel free to check out the schedule in a couple of days to sign up for
additional time.


Laine Keniston said...

we need friday!!!!!!!
(now you don't look lame for commenting twice in a row)

Laine Keniston said...

Yooh guys rrrr my fave band lol
luv Moh( Laine)

Avocado Family Records said...

We still have our sessions for this week, that's just for next week...i think...